
2012年3月12日 星期一

Male infertility has what symptom?

Spermatogenic obstacles

Such as Testicular Neoplasms Testis tuberculosis, syphilis, halo pill cold pill nonspecific inflammation or injury of spermatic cord torsion after testicular atrophy can be caused by the absence of testis and spermatogenesis in rabbits, disorder, occurrence of sterility

Sex chromosome abnormalities can make dry pills organ differentiation, resulting in true hermaphroditism and congenital testicular dysgenesis; autosomal chromosome abnormalities can lead to gonadal and spermatogenic cell metabolism.

Long-term edible cottonseed oil can affect spermatogenesis sperm autoimmunity can also result in spermatogenesis dysfunction.

Such as the hidden star varicocele giant hydrocele disease affecting the testis local and international environment, or due to temperature, pressure and other causes of infertility

Sperm, egg disorder

Such as congenital absence atresia vas deferens and other deformities, operation ligation of the vas deferens, fine and surrounding tissues of chronic inflammation on tumors

Such as bladder neck had longer operation or injury or operation in epilepsy after scar contracture make urethral abnormal deformation; bilateral lumbar sympathetic nerve after resection of rectal cancer after operation or abdominal perineal; diabetes caused by pudendal nerve damage; verumontanum cyst mast, and severe urethral stricture; some drugs such as epinephrine blocker body blood draw, catch B spray play Festival amine can cause deploy jump sympathetic nerve function changes

Such as the congenital absence of penis penis is too small, the male pseudohermaphroditism, epispadias or hypospadias acquired penile inflammation or injury, edema of scrotum, such as giant hydrocele testis

Premature ejaculation, ejaculation, Yang exhibition.

The living environment of sudden change in long-term stress; aerial, high temperature, high strength work and engaged in radiation work

Severe malnutrition, vitamin A, E deficiency, trace elements such as zinc manganese deficiency, disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism of arsenic, mercury, lead, ethanol, nicotine, cottonseed oil, toxic substances such as chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of chronic poisoning, etc.

Such as pituitary sister Confucianism in Frohlich syndrome, anterior pituitary hypofunction, congenital gonadal agenesis syndrome with congenital spermatogenic cannot syndrome, high prolactin deficiency, pituitary tumors or tumors such as birth trauma with intracranial infection