
2012年3月11日 星期日

About Puerperal mental disorder symptoms

The so-called produced during pregnancy also known as confinement, this period is the period of high incidence of maternal psychiatric disorder, so the maternal and family should be vigilant. The production of puerperal mental disorder which features?

Sudden onset, persistent insomnia, depression, depression based unhappy, easily angered. Accompanied by fatigue, headache, loss of appetite and so on prodromal symptoms, in one or two days of illness worsened dramatically. The onset of symptoms and showed the diversity and variability, such as some duration is very short, some after many ups and downs and gradually ease, also some prolonged course, over a long period, some in residual state condition and so on. In the course of the disease is often change, for the development of other types of.

Production during pregnancy mental disorders such as can not get timely treatment, on maternal, infant and family will bring and adverse effects. So the to do early detection, early treatment, reduce the harm to the minimum.