
2012年3月5日 星期一

What should we Eat Before During And After A Workout?

Studies have shown that, during and after exercise before we eat can have a significant impact on our energy levels, the quality of our training, the recovery process is as follows.

Our muscles need to be the appropriate stimulus to get the maximum benefit from the exercise we have just completed. And without proper nutritional support, you will not get the best explosion for your buck, you put the hard work

However, if you eat a healthy diet habits, and get enough calories to support your activity level, you may be able to rely on their own appetite, energy levels and experience to tell you how much to eat before, during, exercise, said later.

What to eat before, during and after exercise


Here are some additional suggestions to help you gain the greatest benefits from your exercise.

A. Before exercise
Rely on the energy production of carbohydrates in a very intense exercise your muscles.

So, in your first workout meal, you may want to include some complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread or pasta, rice, fruits and vegetables, with a little bit of protein to help prevent blood sugar spikes.

Try to keep your fat intake in the lowest, because of the high-fat foods tend to take longer to digest, so you can make you feel heavy and lazy in your workout.

Pre-workout meal should also be in the volume of light - you do not want to have a lot of food, digestion, your work, because it can reduce the intensity of training, you want to your ability.

Try to make sure you are properly hydrated throughout the day, especially before your exercise.

Purpose around two to two and a half of water cup to drink 1-2 hours before exercise, drink plenty of water after your workout.

Water is the best choice (unless you are an athlete) for hydration before training. For most of us it is not necessary sports drinks.

Two. In the training process
For all those engaged in long-term endurance exercise, it is not necessary to eat, you exercise.

However, you should keep your bottle of water and hydration during training sessions, every 15-30 minutes.

If you are a very long ride a bike or run a program, you may want along energy bars, or some easily digestible fruits such as bananas, orange slices, to help maintain your blood sugar level.

You may have noticed a healthy store of energy gel, small packets, and similar in taste and consistency of pudding. Gel instant energy sugar packed in a long-term, sustained exercise can provide a quick energy to improve.

However, they do not provide much nutrition value, for most people, they are totally unnecessary.

3. After a workout
Studies have shown that the best workout nutrition strategy is to complete the exercise and eating too fast.

Some people think that there is a 30 minutes to two hours after the movement is most receptive to the window when our muscles store carbohydrates, and repair damaged tissue.

Not eating can delay your recovery from the sport, finishing your exercise within two hours to leave you, for your next training session less energy.

If you have already cut the amount of carbohydrate intake, but still want to eat after your workout snack or meal is the most perfect time to do this.

Also, do not forget to get some protein, but also for muscle refueling and maintenance.

I've been sympathetic, which is also very important, in order to complement the movement of fluids that are lost.