
2012年4月19日 星期四

Eight secret recipes of athlete's foot treatment

Feet suffering from athlete's foot, ringworm, continuous rub raw garlic will be cured.

2, with vinegar cream tune into a paste and applied to the lesion. The distribution with the use, light in weight from 2 to 3 times more.

3 feet of water eggplant root and salt and cook, can cure athlete's foot.

4, summer, committed athlete to suffer from a foot wash, wipe dry, and then Fengyoujing Tucha affected area 1 to 2 times daily, usually several times can be effective.

5, take the cigarette ash withdrawal toes wet itches, itching blisters between the toes can be cured.

6, guilty of years of athlete's foot, use toothpaste Tucha, the effect is very efficacious.

7, green tea contains tannic acid has antibacterial effects, especially for the treatment of athlete's foot with special effects