
2012年3月20日 星期二

german herring recipes

Ingredient: a live herring ( weighing about 1250 grams).
Accessories: onion150 grams, acid cucumber 150 grams,1000 grams of thermal Western-style boiled potatoes (see the production of the dishes ), coriander leaf 10 grams.
Seasoning: sour milk 1000grams (see sour salty type), vinegar15 grams,100 grams of sugar, geraniol3 tablets,150 grams of salad oil.
Taste like litchi, sweet and refreshing, Xianxian palatability.
1 will live herring into the water to raise hungrily two days, spit all smell, abdominal visceral, on the head, bone, skin ( ROE, roe retention ), to take fish net meat two fan washed into the basin, the water immersion for 8 hours. The roe, roe cut, pickles cutting wafer. The pan clean down to250 grams of water, add bay leaf, sugar, vinegar boil to a simmer, covered, for15 minutes, turn off the heat into the onion rings, let cool, sweet and sour sauce ( a small division ).
2the soaked fish Lek as water, slicing, bowl, doused with sweet and sour sauce, herring will seed, milt, acid cucumber slices into the yogurt mix, pour in a bowl with fish, salad oil, sprinkle coriander leaves. Hot chips into the saucer with table.