
2012年3月18日 星期日

What is vulva pruritus?

The vulva pruritus vulva is a variety of different lesions caused by a symptom, but can also occur in the vulva is completely normal, generally more common in middle-aged women, when itching increase, in patients with restless, that influence the life and work.
One, partial reason
( a ) special infected mycotic vaginitis and trichomonas vaginitis is caused by the most common cause of pruritus vulvae. Lice, scabies can also cause itching. Pinworm disease caused by young girls around the anus, vulva Sao and became generally available only in the night attack.
( two) Chronic Dystrophy of vulva to itch as the main symptom, accompanied by the vulva skin white.
( three) drug allergy or chemical stimuli, condoms, crystal soap Bromo-Gerominum, mercurochrome, can be due to direct stimulation or allergy caused by contact dermatitis, pruritus symptoms appear.
( four) bad health habits do not pay attention to local genital cleansing, sebum, sweat, menses, vaginal secretions, and even urine, dung impregnated, prolonged stimulation of vulva may cause pruritus: menstrual period menstruation with rubber or plastic, usually wearing airtight chemical fiber underwear can be due to damp heat stasis induced by Sao heal,
( five) other skin lesions, abrasions, warts, herpes, eczema, tumors may cause vulva itching.
Two, systemic causes
( a ) diabetes due to diabetes on vulva skin stimulation, especially with mould vulvitis, genital itching is particularly serious. Many patients are due to genital itching and redness and medical treatment, after further examination was diagnosed with diabetes.
( two) jaundice, vitamin A, B deficiency, anemia, leukemia and other chronic disease seen in patients with vulva itches, often as part of a generalized pruritus.
( three) pregnancy and premenstrual genital congestion even can cause genital itching discomfort.
( four) part of the patients with unexplained vulvar pruritus vulva pruritus is very serious, but couldn't find the obvious systemic or local causes, there are people that may be associated with psychiatric or psychological factors.