According to incomplete statistics, at present, the whole world prostatitis patients number has high amounts to 350000000, and every year, high up to 32000000new cases of prostatitis. In our country, prostatitis also became one of the most common disease in adult males, the prevalence of accounted for all the urology clinic number is close three, moreover, the number of patients also tend to increase year by year, age of onset is also shows year after year to young trend, also because of this, prostatitis is more and more aroused male friends attention, plus prostate treatment at present there is no explicit, effective methods, and prostatitis symptom is not apparent, difficult to cure, delayed healing, therefore, make prostate treatment becomes a worldwide medical problem, for men 's normal life impact is bigger, serious problems with the majority of adult males a friend. Then, prostatitis is caused by how? Prostatitis affects men have more serious? Prostatitis how to prevent?
Life is not the law to cause prostatitis. Many men have the habit of drinking, which is induced by prostatitis is one of the important reasons, particularly long-term alcohol, more easily cause prostate congestion occurs repeatedly, causing prostatitis. In addition, the long-term stay up all night, long, irregular bowel movement on the Internet, a small volume, is the cause of prostatitis reasons.
Urine stimuli trigger prostatitis. Our human urine contains a variety of acid-base chemical substances, if the male reproductive system of neuroendocrine problems, often can cause the urethral pressure is too large, once the prostatic duct injury, chemical changes in urine into the prostate, cause prostatitis occurred.
Pathogenic microbes to cause prostatitis. The various fungi, virus is a leading cause of prostatitis source of infection. If the male rectal, urinary tract and other organs around the prostate inflammation, can cause prostatitis occurred via lymphatics. In addition, in the urethral dilation operation, equipment to carry the bacteria will often lead to the occurrence of prostatitis.
Do not pay attention to warm to cause prostatitis. The male body once the cold cold attack, often can cause prostate sympathetic nerve activity increased, causing male voiding pressures, micturition not free, cause prostate tube sedimentation, cause prostate congestion congestion, thus inducing the occurrence of prostatitis.
Prostatitis on male great harm, mild prostate patients have frequent micturition, urgency of urination, urine is not the net, perineum pendent swells pain, kidney damage, affecting the normal life of male friends, if not timely diagnosis and treatment, will be permanently, lead to premature ejaculation, impotence, infertility men, and even induce prostate cancer occurrence.
Therefore, the male friend must attach great importance to the protection of the prostate, in daily life, try to avoid body cold, damp; ensure regular sex life, not sex, also cannot the long time coitus interruptus; diet eat greasy, spicy, stimulating food, ensure the bland diet; avoid long-term sedentary; to appropriate physical exercise, enhanced physique.