
2012年3月16日 星期五

Japanese fried vegetables

Raw materials:
Cabbage half,1 eggs, noodles, soy sauce1 big spoons1 small,1teaspoon salt, flour, wooden fish flower1bit,1bit, sea Tess salad dressing casually.
Get ready.
In 1, the cabbage and cut into filaments.
In2, the dry flour into the egg; I used about1200g flour with a diameter of about15cm vegetable cake.
In 3, mix the flour and eggs into the batter, it without adding water; sometimes the batter will have many did not dissolve the flour particle mass, solution below reminder.
1, do 1pot of boiling water, add noodles, boil noodles eight cooked fish out into cold water soak them.
In 2, a frying pan, pan pour a little oil, the oil temperature of the hot add chopped cabbage.
In 3, the cabbage becomes soft and transparent, put the noodles into the pot after waterlogging.
In 4, after mix into the sauce, mix well then again, it has maintained a small fire.
5, pot of all the ingredients into a round cake.
6, pour the batter, lightly with chopsticks loose vegetables, to make the batter quickly penetrate into the vegetables; or in the batter before the batter and mix the ingredients of solidification.
In 7, the sunny side of golden yellow, to keep the fire small.
8, to be a solidification and solid, carefully turn over vegetable cake, the other side of fried.
In 9, the last in the vegetable cake surface squeeze on the salad dressing, sea Tess and wooden fish flower; egg yolk sauce, soy sauce, mustard ( yellow. ) well, I use is baked sesame salad sauce, sweet.

BlackBerry cheese cake cup

BlackBerry cheese cake cup practice preheat the oven to350F / 176C
The Graham biscuit break, add the melted butter, stir evenly into the prepared baking tray spread, bake for3-5minutes until golden brown. Cooling standby
In a food processor within the cream cheese, sugar, cream and vanilla essence into mixing evenly, and then joining the half clean blackberry, continue stirring to uniformity
Half baked biscuits respectively at the end of the Graham scoop into prepared a cup, add a few BlackBerry ( left several decoration ), and then the3mixtures are also respectively, scoop into the cup. Covered with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least one hour or overnight to solidification. Before eating, and then adding the remaining half of the Graham biscuit end, ( also can be refrigerated before, I feel to eat before placed relatively crisp ) squeeze on the cake with whipped cream, with BlackBerry decoration

Treatment of Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy treatment have a variety of options, depending on the size of fertility requirements, ectopic pregnancy, location and the patient's physical condition, not Yo person to save patients' life under the premise of the maximum to preserve fertility.
Ectopic pregnancy treatment method includes: laparoscopic operation, drug therapy, open operation.
In order to tubal pregnancy as an example:
A, conservative treatment
If the ectopic pregnancy early fallopian tube has not rupture when diagnosed, and fertility requirements, drug therapy is the best choice, the harm to patients is small, easy to recover the body. But should not be used in those with planning requirements, because kill embryos in situ polarization, often caused by the obstruction of fallopian tube.
B, tubal window suture
The fallopian tube or oviduct rupture of unruptured ectopic pregnancy by laparoscopy in small, operation, incision tubal embryo, place, and then sutured, keep the tubal function, it is current advocate the best treatment for ectopic pregnancy.
C, resection of the fallopian tubes
The tubal rupture serious difficult to repair complicated by hemorrhagic shock, only laparoscopic or open excision of the affected oviduct, and may require a blood transfusion.
D, corpus luteum smash technique
Corpus luteum destroyed by the Institute of invention, is to use mechanical + drug for corpus luteum destruction, in vivo support pregnancy progesterone decreases, causing embryonic natural death Diao new technique. Indications: ectopic unruptured type, it is difficult to find parts or pregnancy, pregnancy is not conducive to the site operation resection ( cornual pregnancy and cervical pregnancy ). Advantage is not bunt pregnancy with local, do not cause bleeding during operation.
( L ) the laparoscopic method: after informed consent, preoperative oral mifepristone250mg, reliable anesthesia in laparoscopic diagnosis, pregnancy site, if not exactly a rupture, can find the corpus luteum, separating out, and reliable hemostasis; if has ruptured or is close to the rupture, adopt the fenestration suture. Daily postoperative monitoring of HCG and progesterone levels.
(2) vaginal B ultrasound interventional method: after informed consent, preoperative oral mifepristone250mg, reliable anesthesia, transvaginal B ultrasound puncture from corpus luteum, then injected ethanol5 ~ 10ml. Daily postoperative monitoring of HCG and progesterone levels.
Ectopic pregnancy after cure of pregnant again
In general, tubal resection, contralateral normal fallopian tube can be in normal pregnancy. But when the fallopian tube inflammation and connect and not free will to ectopic pregnancy. According to statistics, ectopic pregnancy after operation in 10% patients will be ectopic pregnancy; in recent years, with the improvement of the medical technology, implementation of conservative operation and on the contralateral fallopian tube reasonable treatment, recurrence rate has decreased. To prevent another ectopic pregnancy must pay attention to two problems:
( L ) after the fallopian tube radiography examination, if the assured Yang Ke pregnancy; if it is through but no smooth, postpone pregnancy.
(2) pregnancy after early B, check whether the ectopic pregnancy, in order to make early treatment.

Ectopic pregnancy signs shown

Where the fertilized eggs in any other part of the uterine cavity implantation, collectively referred to as ectopic pregnancy, it is called ectopic pregnancy. According to the implantation site is different, tubal pregnancy, ovarian pregnancy, abdominal pregnancy, cervical pregnancy and uterine horn pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy tubal pregnancy, with the most common.
Tubal pregnancy symptoms, and the fertilized egg implantation site, there is no abortion or rupture and bleeding amount and duration and so on.
(1) general situation: intraperitoneal bleeding is higher, show anemia appearance. Massive bleeding, patients may appear pale and weak, rapid pulse, blood pressure decline shock performance. The temperature is generally normal, shock temperature slightly lower, intraperitoneal blood absorbed when temperature increased slightly, but not more than 38 DEG c..
(2) abdominal examination: underbelly has apparent tenderness and rebounding pain, especially in the ipsilateral to the minor, but muscle tension. The bleeding is higher, percussion with shifting dullness. Some patients with lower abdominal mass, if repeated bleeding and accumulate, mass can increase ceaselessly harden.
(3) pelvic examination: the vagina often have a small amount of blood, from the uterine cavity. Tubal pregnancy without the occurrence of abortion or rupture of uterus, in addition to a slightly larger than soft, careful examination may swell hit of the fallopian tube and mild tenderness. Tubal abortion or rupture of posterior fornix of vagina, full, there is tenderness. Cervical lifting pain or swing pain, cervical gently lift or to swing caused by severe pain, this is one of the main signs of tubal pregnancy, because of exacerbations on peritoneal stimulation. The womb is slightly big soft. Internal bleeding for a long time, examination of the uterus has a sense of floating. The side or the rear of palpable masses, its size, shape, texture, often change, the boundary more unclear, tenderness obviously. The lesions persisted longer, mass of hardened, boundary also gradually clear. Interstitial tubal pregnancy, uterine size and menopause in basic consistent, but the asymmetry, side corner protrusion, rupture induced by indicia associated with uterine rupture is very similar.

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Eat canned food care of diabetes

A fast-paced life, so canned food convenience food has become popular dining table of the most common food. Canned food makes our life more convenient and fast, and its taste is delicious. But the nutrition experts pointed out, often eat canned or increases risk of diabetes.
The United States Harvard University found, if5 consecutive daily drink canned food, urine toxic chemical bisphenol A ( BPA ) content, than to eat ordinary food were12 times higher, experts call for canned enthusiasts should eat more fresh food. Research of project chief experts point out that, earlier research has shown that drinking plastic bottle drinks, will increase the body of bisphenol A content; this time showed a higher risk of canned food, because the food range.
Through the study found that regular consumption of various kinds of canned food are easy to make human body obtain excessive bisphenol A nutrition, easy to increase the risk of diabetes. Study75 participants were divided into two groups, no changes in diet, a group of 5 consecutive day drink12cans of soup, drink soup, another group of fire, rest for 2 days, then exchange the drinking the two soup. Urine analysts to each liter of urine for calculating unit, found in canned soup group urine bisphenol A content, over an open fire Decoction group was 10 times as much.
Thus, canned hazards on human health it, patients with diabetes in the usual diet should pay attention, do not often eat fast food and other convenience foods, these foods often contain high quantity of heat and the additive, so in the diabetic diet, to choose the conditions conducive to the resumption of food is a wise selection of.
Expert guidance on how to have a healthy body
1, what to eat, what to eat will be limited, eating time extremely important
Blood glucose control in diabetes diet therapy and accords with the basic principles, including fasting blood glucose, postprandial2 hours blood glucose in the desired range, you can eat anything. But should master the amount eaten, not greedy.
2, eat less foods containing carbohydrates
Eat sugar or starch relatively little food also allows for better control of blood glucose. Potato and some vegetables in the carbohydrate content is relatively small, if with potatoes instead of breakfast food, can not only reduce the proportion of carbohydrate intake, and obvious sense of satiety, and potato and vegetable with the prevention of constipation, regulation of blood glucose, blood lipid, blood pressure, weight loss and other effects.
3, eat a diet and the role of the spleen and stomach food
Eat with function of regulating blood sugar and regulating spleen and stomach function of food, not only has the function of health care, but also make the food choice space increased. Often eat onions, bitter gourd, tomato, pepper and other has the function of regulating blood sugar food; buckwheat, oats, grains of wheat bran and rice, black beans, black bean, vinegar, cinnamon, curry had a similar effect. The spleen and stomach yam, lotus seed and cereal partners, can enrich the variety of foods.

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