2012年4月17日 星期二
Experts recommend strawberry thin body method

Pollen efficacy and function

kinds of tea

Soybean 10 big effect

Almond effect and function

Almonds are rich in protein, fat, sugar and carotene, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin P and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. One carotene content in the fruit after mango, people will be big flat called the fruit of cancer. Big flat contains rich fat oil, have the effect that reduces cholesterol, thus, the big flat cardiovascular system disease to have the good function; Chinese medicine theory is that, the big flat has promote the secretion, embellish lung set out of the effect, often used for asthmatic cough nourish and patient care and treatment. Researchers in the United States, a new study shows that, cholesterol levels normal or a little high, can use big flat replace its dietary the low density of nutrition food, to reduce blood cholesterol and keep your heart healthy purpose. The researchers think that, in the rich variety of almond nutrients, such as vitamin E, single not saturated fat and dietary fiber common role can effectively reduce the risk of heart attack risk. A sample of 85 elderly volunteers (average age 56 years old) of total cholesterol level reduced 7, 6%, low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels dropped 9%. Also caused no weight gain.
1, bitter apricot kernel smoothing asthma to cough, embellish aperient bowel, can treat the lung disease, cough and other diseases.
2 and sweet almond and daily eat fruit big almond tends to moist, has the certain fill lung function.
3, almond contains a wealth of flavonoids and polyphenols composition, this kind of composition can not only reduce the cholesterol in the human body, still can significantly reduce heart disease and a lot of chronic disease risk.
4, almond and beauty effect, can promote skin microcirculation, make the skin ruddy luster.
5, almond and antitumor function, almond antitumor function is mainly because bitter apricot kernels contains a biological active substance-amygdalin, can enter the blood ZhuanSha cancer cells, and no role to healthy cells, so can improve late-stage cancer patient symptoms, prolong the patient survival. At the same time, because it contains rich carotene, so can resist oxidation, prevent free radicals attack cells, has the function of preventing cancer.
Spring pollen allergies how to prevention?

How to determine if they are allergic to pollen?
From the usual cold which gradually identify "pollen allergy"; second, everyone's health awareness gradually increased, and gradually precise allergen test. Of course, there are still a lot of pollen-allergic people mistakenly thought he had a cold or rhinitis, repeatedly used anti-cancer vaccine or the treatment of rhinitis drops, resulting in delayed treatment time. Therefore, the observation is often correct is the first step.
Pollen diameter is generally about 30 to 50 micron, easily be sucked into the respiratory tract when they are released into the atmosphere in the air. Pollen allergy an allergic reaction after inhaling the pollen, pollen allergy. The main symptoms of pollen allergies, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, nose, eye and ear canal itching, severe cases can induce bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary heart disease (multiple in summer and autumn). The pollen was cause human allergies, pollen contains rich protein, some of which are protein components of allergic major allergens.
Pollen allergy symptoms of skin contact with skin erythema, papules, and small scales, itching or burning sensation, mostly caused by exposure to pollen in the field of skin by sunlight.
So, how to prevent pollen allergy?
First, avoid all suspected or known allergens, such as: the pollen season is released into the atmosphere a lot of pollen in the air;
Second, for some known allergens, once identified, they should immediately transfer the patient's living environment, such as: patients around the house, some flowers, trees, and those who are allergic should these allergens removed. Not suitable for children of any stay in the garden or the forest of grass, leaves for quite a long time to play. These are just passive preventive measures, the real cure pollen allergies, be sure to desensitization.
Pollen allergy precautions:
1, do not stay long in the outdoor
As possible Shaodai outdoors during the day, especially the daily pollen index, for example, sunny evening. To do outdoor activities and a variety of sports, as far as possible choose the lowest when the pollen index, such as early morning, late at night, or after a shower.
2, close all windows and doors
During the day behind closed doors and windows to prevent pollen trapeze.
Do not declared outside laundry
As far as possible to dry clothes in the house (better with clothes dryers), do not dry clothes outdoors, or clothes, blankets, sheets, etc. are exposed to pollen.
4, change clothes
If you go out in the pollen index is high, come back and be sure to put on clean clothes.
5, wear glasses
Wearing glasses can reduce the chance of your eyes affected, so you can use the lens of the glasses instead of contact lenses, or to go out and put on your sunglasses.
6, to avoid the allergy season
Possible, as far as possible leave arrangements in the hay fever season, took the opportunity to avoid. May wish to consider to the seaside resort, because the sea breeze makes the air almost no pollen, can also be considered to select a precipitating factors will cause your allergies national holiday.
The Shorthair cats carding supplies and combing method

Carding supplies
You need to equipped with a metal fine-toothed comb, a soft brush or rubber brush, there should be some lauric oils can paint in the hair on the accelerator (for a variety of coat color), and a polished wool, silk, velvet or Jing skin.
With a metal fine-toothed comb along the hair from head to tail down the comb. Grooming look to see whether the black shiny pellets, that is the flea.
(2) use a rubber brush, brush along the direction of Mao. If you are raising is a curly-haired cat, this brush is a must, because it does not scratch the epidermis.
Some varieties of short-haired cat, you may want to use a soft brush, rather than a rubber brush. Similarly, it is also along the direction of hair brush.
Comb brushing, put on some lauric oils accelerator, you can clear the oil on the hair, so that the coat shiny.
5 Finally, in order to make the the Shorthair cats hair show sheen, especially immediately before the exhibition, with a piece of silk, velvet or Jing leather coat "polished". In the twice carding interval, using clean hands along the direction of the hair, gently massage can maintain hair sheen.
13 kinds of characteristics that should be noted that the cat sick

spirit often time poor
coughing and sneezing
Eyes and nose stream mucus
Drool, cats stop cleaning dress (gingivitis, toothache, oral ulcers)
Recurring vomiting and diarrhea
Respiratory effort, the exaggerated movement of the chest breathing (pleural effusion) abdominal circumference increases rapidly (ascites)
Skin mucosal conjunctival ear gums yellow (jaundice)
Surface of the skin or subcutaneous or near the breast at the fast swelling or biological growth (tumor)
Drinking too much, along with a lot of urination (liver failure or renal failure or diabetes)
10 Cat on the water Wanbian, but do not drink
11 cats frequently to the potty at the walk, but can not urinate or only rows of a few drops of urine (stones, or urethritis)
12 cats suddenly become aggressive and bite (possibly toothache)
13 cat suddenly ran furniture (high blood pressure due to decreased visual acuityssure due to decreased visual acuity
Russian fried chicken

1 chicken, onion, chopped 5g, celery chopped 5g, the angle a of pickled cucumber, tomato slices 15g pickled seaweed 10g flour 50g bread crumbs 50g, eggs, 1.
Russian forces Gang 1g, salt 2g pepper 0.3g, olive oil 15g butter 10g.
Method for making
Into the chicken fried chicken with salt, pepper, onion chopped, celery and chopped marinated for 10 minutes three-level (surface dip, dip in egg, dipped in bread crumbs) and fried disk into the olive oil Heat system to mature, the angle of the pickled cucumber, two tomatoes piece, pickled seaweed, Jianhao chicken placed on one side of the food code, and pour a little cream.
Russian seafood fennel soup

Cumin 30g, four small octopus, milk 20g amount of fish broth, onion, chopped 5g, celery chopped 5g, 1 bag of milk.
Salt 2g, white pepper 0.8g, olive oil 10g butter 10g.
Method for making
Wash small octopus boiled cooked fried dish into a small amount of olive oil, butter, chopped onion, celery and chopped Stir the fragrance, then add the milk, milk, cumin, fish broth, simmer together. until broth concentration for add salt, pepper seasoning, and finally joined a small octopus.
Russian onion skewers of pork loin

Pork loin 200g onion 40g, onion minced 5g, celery minced 5g, mushrooms 40g tomato sauce 10g.
Salt 2g pepper 0.4g, olive oil 20g.
Method for making
Pork fillet Article salt, pepper, chopped onion, chopped celery,Onion, mushrooms and pork tenderloin Article string clusters, fried color spare. Frying pan with olive oil and onion, chopped, chopped celery, Stir flavor, add tomato sauce and tender ridge string Jianhao Finally, add salt, pepper, seasoning. Plate side of fried potatoes, pine, tomato pieces, pickles and other side dishes will do the fillet string pendulum to the edge of the food code.