Where the fertilized eggs in any other part of the uterine cavity implantation, collectively referred to as ectopic pregnancy, it is called ectopic pregnancy. According to the implantation site is different, tubal pregnancy, ovarian pregnancy, abdominal pregnancy, cervical pregnancy and uterine horn pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy tubal pregnancy, with the most common.
Tubal pregnancy symptoms, and the fertilized egg implantation site, there is no abortion or rupture and bleeding amount and duration and so on.
(1) general situation: intraperitoneal bleeding is higher, show anemia appearance. Massive bleeding, patients may appear pale and weak, rapid pulse, blood pressure decline shock performance. The temperature is generally normal, shock temperature slightly lower, intraperitoneal blood absorbed when temperature increased slightly, but not more than 38 DEG c..
(2) abdominal examination: underbelly has apparent tenderness and rebounding pain, especially in the ipsilateral to the minor, but muscle tension. The bleeding is higher, percussion with shifting dullness. Some patients with lower abdominal mass, if repeated bleeding and accumulate, mass can increase ceaselessly harden.
(3) pelvic examination: the vagina often have a small amount of blood, from the uterine cavity. Tubal pregnancy without the occurrence of abortion or rupture of uterus, in addition to a slightly larger than soft, careful examination may swell hit of the fallopian tube and mild tenderness. Tubal abortion or rupture of posterior fornix of vagina, full, there is tenderness. Cervical lifting pain or swing pain, cervical gently lift or to swing caused by severe pain, this is one of the main signs of tubal pregnancy, because of exacerbations on peritoneal stimulation. The womb is slightly big soft. Internal bleeding for a long time, examination of the uterus has a sense of floating. The side or the rear of palpable masses, its size, shape, texture, often change, the boundary more unclear, tenderness obviously. The lesions persisted longer, mass of hardened, boundary also gradually clear. Interstitial tubal pregnancy, uterine size and menopause in basic consistent, but the asymmetry, side corner protrusion, rupture induced by indicia associated with uterine rupture is very similar.