
2012年3月18日 星期日

How to do with The feminine endocrine disorders

The feminine endocrine disorders makes grumpy, dry skin, macula lutea, stain, and easy to suffer from breast lumps, myoma of uterus, ovarian cysts and other gynecological diseases, there may be high blood lipids, osteoporosis and other diseases, to the female life and health has brought great influence.
Then, if the female endocrine disorders problem, how should do?
1supplemental estrogen
Endocrine regulation by estrogen supplement way, but it is worth noting that, if incorrectly added to estrogen, may increase the risk of endometrial cancer or breast cancer risk. So in the estrogen supplementation before, must go to the hospital to check the actual level of estrogen, and under the guidance of a doctor, using the correct method with the correct dosage.
The 2diet
The feminine endocrine disorders is a cause of in vivo estrogen secretion, and foods containing estrogen is soybean and soybean products, and medical research proof, soybeans and soybean products according to the human body the secretion of estrogen levels mediate, when the estrogen level is too high or too low, this kind of food can play a regulatory role in the human body, the estrogen balance. So care in the diet to eat more soy and soy products, can to a certain extent, regulating endocrine function.
And endocrine disorders can affect the metabolism of fat, easy to obesity, and obesity are likely to suffer heart cerebrovascular disease, so in the diet should reduce fat intake, eat more foods with high protein content, in order to prevent the occurrence of obesity. In addition, the endocrine disorders will increase the secretion of the skin oils, there will be a stain, so we should drink plenty of water, eat more fruits and vegetables, to supplement the vitamins and dietary fiber, try not to eat fried food, to prevent constipation, relieve skin condition.
With endocrine disorders in women, with special attention to maintain a good sleep, plenty of high-quality sleep, contribute to the regulation of endocrine. If you don't sleep well, before bedtime drink a cup of milk or rice gruel, wash a hot bath also has very good results.
4keep a good mood
With endocrine disorders in women, easy to produce irritability, anxiety, so if in working life encountered greater pressure, may be more prone to depression, anger, impulsivity, melancholy, so when this happens, the need for timely these negative emotions out, through talking to people, be interested in things, or participate in some entertainment activities, the initiative to regulate emotions, maintain good mental state.
The 5movement
Exercise can speed up the body the new supersedes the old., improve physical fitness, enhance the body's immune system, improve heart and lung function, the endocrine disorders caused by loss of appetite, poor spirit, irregular menstruation, may also make the body immune ability, easy to get sick, can be effectively improved by exercise, and exercise can make people happy feeling, and can relieve stress, help sleep. Therefore, endocrine disorders in women should take part in physical exercise.